About Us
Spreading the Gospel and Teachings of Jesus Christ & the Apostles
The Canada District Council stands poised for victory with nineteen churches as of April 2021: Fifteen in Ontario, Two in Quebec, One in Alberta and One in New York. We believe that with God as our guide and with a mind to build, the Canada District Council will become a great army for God’s Kingdom in this great Pentecostal Organization.

Bishop Dr. Barrington E. Smith
D.D., M.C.ED, B.SC.

Father, Friend, Evangelist, Teacher, Preacher, Counsellor, Confidant, Intellectual are just a few of the adjectives that describe Dr. Barrington E Smith, Diocesan Bishop of the Canada District Council, Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. He carries a calm and cool confidence that brings a warm feeling to every environment he steps into. He has a very engaging smile that has lifted many out of depression, ministering strength to those who are weak while giving hope to those that feel hopeless.