Our Churches
Today, the Canada District Council stands poised for victory with twenty-one churches: three in the province of Quebec, fourteen in Ontario, one in Saskatchewan, two in Alberta, and one in Western New York. We believe that with God as our guide, and with a mind to build, the Canada District Council will become a great army for God’s Kingdom in this great Pentecostal Organization.
Please join us at one of our locations:

Kingdom Life Ministries
Pastor: Bishop Dr. Barrington E. Smith
1166 Cardiff Boulevard
Mississauga, Ontario, L5S 1P7
Church: 905-564-5660
Email: info@klife.ca
Website: www.klife.ca

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Church of Ontario
Pastor: District Elder Carl Williams
250 Church Street
Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 1N2
Church: 905-858-4495
Email: mtcalvary250@gmail.com

Eternal Life Apostolic Ministries
Pastor: Samuel Tulloch
1312 Britannia Road East, Unit 4-5
Mississauga Ontario, L4W 1C8
Church: 905-564-2919
Email: contactus.elam@gmail.com

CornerStone House of Refuge Apostolic Church
Pastor: SUFFRAGAN bISHOP Dr. Desmond Hutchinson
1196 Wellington Street W
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 2Z5
Church: 613-725-1432
Email: frontoffice@chorac.ca
Website: www.chorac.ca

Hamilton Deliverance Church of Jesus Christ
Pastor: Elder Timothy E. McPherson
606 Upper James Street
Hamilton, Ontario, L9C 2Y8
Church: 905-561-0913
Email: hamdelchurch@shaw.ca

Lighthouse Healing & Deliverance Ministries
Pastor: Elder Ralston Scully
79 James Street
South Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 2Z2
Email: lighthousehdm@gmail.com

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Interested in joining one of our churches?
Fill out the Form Below to get started. A member of our leadership team will get in touch to discuss your interest in joining our Church. We look forward to welcoming you into our community!

Whole Life Ministries
Pastor: DISTRICT Elder Donald Stewart
Worshipping at Sheridan College Building ‘A’

True Light Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ
Pastor: Elder Errol Sterling
351 Parkhurst Square, Unit 2
Brampton, Ontario, L6T 5H5
Church: 289-752-4034
Email: tlachurch@live.ca
Website: www.truelightapostolicchurch.ca

Grace Deliverance Apostolic Ministries
Pastor: Hyacinth Brown-Smith
46 Dean Street
Brampton, Ontario, L6W 1M6
Church: 647-518-8831
Email: gracedeliverancemin@gmail.com www.gdam.ca

Outlook Gospel Lighthouse
Pastor: Lois McQuinn
402 Douglas Street
Outlook, Saskatchewan, S0L 2N0
Church: 306-867-9193
Email: revdlmcquinnmemorialfoundation@gmail.com

Logos Apostolic Church of Reconciliation
Pastor: dISTRICT eLDER Bolton Noah
380 Albion Road
Toronto, Ontario, M9W 3P5
Church: 416-742-2229
Email: info@logosapostolic.com
Website: www.logosapostolic.com

Nations Transformation Ministries
Pastor: Peter Dike
2589 Eglington Avenue W
York, Ontario, M1M 1T3
Church: 416-319-8057
Email: apostleonmission@hotmail.co.uk

Chosen Generation Ministries
Pastor: SUFFRAGAN BISHOP Carlton Christie
Church: 905-716-7358
Email: chosengeneration.ca@gmail.com
Website: www.chosengeneration.ca

Christ House of Refuge Ministries
Pastor: Joan Rubie
614 Brimley Road
Scarborough, Ontario
Church: 647-564-2780
Email: joan_rubie@yahoo.ca

Ebenezer Tabernacle Apostolic Church
Pastor: SUFFRAGAN BISHOP Hopeton Morris
172 Willibrord
Verdun, Quebec, H4G 2T4
Church: 514-795-6834
Email: ebenezertabernacle@gmail.com

Kingdom Revelation Ministries Apostolic Church
Pastor: Elder Eze Wickham
Montreal, Quebec
Phone: 514-262-4643
Email: ezewickham@yahoo.ca

Apostolic Christian Fellowship
Pastor: jose ernie lopez
377 44E Avenue
Lachine, Quebec, H8T 2K5
Phone: 514-431-0126
Pastor Contact Email: lopezjosernie11@yahoo.com

New Testament Jesus Name Apostolic Church
Pastor: gregory isaac
658 3rd Avenue
Lachine, Quebec, H8S 2T8
Mailing Address: 2160 Duff Court #303 Lachine, QC H8S 1E

Higherground Tabernacle Ministry of Edmonton
Pastor: Elder Clive Ackinson
3831 116 Ave NW
Edmonton, Alberta, T5W 0W8
Church: 587-501-7772
Email: clive.allstyle@gmail.com

Overcomers Pentecostal Church
Pastor: vinroy anderson
6015-184 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta, T6M 1T8
Phone: 587-566-8107
Email: admin@overcomerspc.com Website: Overcomers Pentecostal Church (churchtrac.com)

Greater Emmanuel Temple Church, Inc
Pastor: Suffragan Bishop Germaine D. Hurst
3189 Main Street
Buffalo, New York, 14214
Church: 716-342-2214
Email: getbuffalochurch@gmail.com
Website: www.getbuffalo.org